English MPs would be given a veto of over income tax rates in the Budget under plans set out by the Conservative party intended to answer the so-called West Lothian Question.
A proposal to create an English grand committee that could be responsible for determining local government finance settlements is among the options put forward by the Conservative Party to implement...
What does CIPFA want from the political parties come May 2015? Some honesty about the fiscal position, for starters – and realism about the hard choices to be made
A pledge by UK party leaders to maintain the Barnett Formula for funding public services in Scotland if there is a no vote in Thursday’s independence referendum will increase demands for English...
As the coalition government enters its fifth and final year in office, what should be the rules of engagement for civil servants caught in the middle of increasingly fraught relations between...
It’s rare not to be able to predict the outcome of a British general election. But the May 2015 poll has a number of uncertainties and is simply too close to call
The British political class is obsessed with two narratives, austerity and Europe. But there are other ways of looking at the economic challenges we face
Local politics has been shaken by the performance of Ukip in yesterday's elections, but it’s far from being a transformative moment. For most councils, the direction of travel will remain...