Council development projects face a “cliff edge” if the government does not renew a multibillion-pound fund before it abruptly ends next year, the sector has warned.
The UK is facing a capital programmes funding gap of £1.6trn by 2040, according to EY, including new road and rail projects, decarbonising public buildings and social infrastructure funding for...
UKIB’s Lorna Pimlott is on a mission to enable ambitious infrastructure projects that allow people to make the most of their talents without leaving their local area.
National and local infrastructure features heavily in their general election manifestos, but with Labour and the Conservatives reluctant to increase borrowing or taxes, how will they be funded in a...
The Department for Education (DfE) has confirmed that 43 more schools in England were constructed with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) and need refurbishment, bringing the total to 214.
Sustained public investment and devolution of local transport powers will reduce car use, improve road and rail connections and help meet climate change goals, the National Infrastructure Commission...
Daniella Barrow, senior director at Norse Consulting, believes many local authorities lack the resources necessary to make full use of levelling-up funding, and that partnership working holds the key.
Our ability to travel and communicate is critical to our lives, as well as the sharing of ideas and sustaining relationships. Infrastructure is vital to making this happen, often thanks to complex...