06 December 2002
The settlement, revealed on December 4 by Finance and Public Services Minister Andy Kerr, outlined what each of the 32 councils will receive from a total of £7.4bn in 2003/04. This is followed by £7.7bn and £8.1bn for the next two years. The figures represent increases of 8.5%, 4.8% and 3.9%.
The Executive added that the local authorities will have additional flexibility to increase capital investment in local infrastructure such as roads and schools.
'While it is a very tight settlement that will result in councils having to make tough choices in the months ahead, it is a settlement that councils will deliver on', said Convention of Scottish Local Authorities president Pat Watters.
Kerr told the Scottish Parliament: 'The settlement is challenging, but fair. It is based on a pre-agreed formula and will allow councils to deliver the level of services people expect.
'This announcement does not mean any council is awash with money. It does mean, however, that councils will have the resources they need to deliver the improvements we are committed to providing – without the need to raise council tax above previously announced figures. That is exactly what every council taxpayer expects.'
The deal includes £180m that had already been set aside for local initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life, such as tackling graffiti and vandalism.
It was announced in advance of SSAs for England and Wales on December 5.