The Welsh Government has been warned that its target of building 20,000 new social homes by 2026 will not be met unless significant additional funding is ploughed into the scheme.
Concerns have been raised over the financial sustainability of the NHS in Wales after all seven Welsh health boards breached their duty to break even over three years.
Increasing the weekly maximum adult social care charge would partially offset the inflation councils have experienced, the Welsh Government has said while insisting it still plans to make care...
The Welsh health board embroiled in a financial scandal is in a more “stable position” due to stronger leadership and better working relationships, the national watchdog has said.
Low funding will mean Welsh councils have to cut frontline services in 2024-25, contrary to a claim from the Welsh Government that these services would be protected, a Senedd committee has warned.
Continued budget pressures and likely Welsh Government funding cuts could leave councils with a £750m funding gap by 2027, university researchers have warned.
NHS Wales spending on agency staff continued to rise last year as health boards struggled to recruit and retain staff, the nation’s spending watchdog has said.
Concerns over a multi-million pound deficit next year have forced Bridgend County Borough Council to “reluctantly withdraw” its support for a hydrogen energy facility.
Concerns over weak financial management and poor procurement have prompted Audit Wales to publish rare public interest reports against two authorities.
Rising care demands and tightening budgets risk reducing the quality of Welsh care and ministers must have honest conversations over the future of healthcare, a service leader has said.
A state-owned renewable energy company will drive local investment in community-owned low-carbon energy and meet the Welsh Government’s net zero aims, ministers have said.
The lack of money put towards recruiting and training staff will hinder Welsh councils’ enforcement of post-Grenfell building safety reforms, the spending watchdog has said.
Welsh local government funding faces shake-ups hoped to “eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy”, show the devolved administration trusts authorities and make the council tax system fairer.