17 December 1999
The quango, currently responsible for regulating registered social landlords as well as being a landlord itself, will become an executive agency as part of the Housing Bill due to go before the Scottish Parliament next year.
Communities minister Wendy Alexander announced on December 9 that the new agency will regulate and monitor all social housing in Scotland, including homes owned by local authorities, and will report directly to ministers.
This would also create the opportunity to expand its community regeneration role and liaise with social inclusion partnerships, she said.
Since it was created ten years ago, Scottish Homes has transferred about 40,000 homes to RSLs and sold another 20,000 under 'right to buy'. Yet it remains a substantial landlord, owning some 15,000 properties.
Chairman John Ward welcomed the announcement, saying the agency would play a key part in helping the government to deliver its social inclusion agenda.
'Scottish Homes is uniquely placed to assist the Scottish Executive, particularly by integrating housing into the wider social and economic context,' he added.