Further education colleges look set to reach agreement with the largest lecturers' union on national pay and conditions after five years of failed negotiations.
The beleaguered mental health service is to receive as much as £1bn in extra cash over the next three years but it will have to wait until the autumn to find out precisely how much.
Local government minister Hilary Armstrong has urged councils to refurbish rather than build new homes with the new money from the Comprehensive Spending Review.
The NHS Executive is to clamp down on health authorities and trusts that do not put enough cash aside to cover clinical negligence claims against them.
Nurses, midwives and non-clinical NHS staff could be offered large pay increases soon, despite Gordon Brown's insistence that he will keep the lid on public sector pay.
The Comprehensive Spending Review underlines the government's commitment to continue along the path of the Private Finance Initiative and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs).
The show of defiance by the Lords over Scottish tuition fees has ended in compromise, with the government promising to establish an independent commission to monitor the effects of the so-called...
Calls from housing organisations for a re-think on the way VAT is charged on property refurbishments received a boost this week with support from the chairman of the government's Urban Task Force.
Prime minister Tony Blair this week took a more conciliatory tone towards local government when he urged councils to help Labour deliver its modernising agenda but his message failed to win over the...