The Public Accounts Committee has slammed the Child Support Agency for failing to improve its performance and for continuing errors in its assessments.
Just as the NHS is becoming accustomed to the government's burgeoning reform demands, the National Audit Office decides to roll up its sleeves and join the modernisation melee.
The Department of Health came under fire from the British Medical Association this week following claims that doctors had been misled over the distribution of cash designed to ease the burden on GPs...
The government must introduce legislation to help improve adoption services and deliver a joined-up approach, the Local Government Association said this week.
The government has come under renewed attack over transport spending with the Confederation of British Industry demanding a £209bn package for improving roads, rail and airport systems.
The NHS should become a public corporation at arm's length from government, with its own board and operational freedom, according to a new commission of independent experts.
The NHS is struggling to cope with demand for diabetes services and faces a rising number of patients as the population ages, the Audit Commission warned this week.
Councils must be given 'freedom and flexibility' to help deliver the government's ten-year strategy to renew deprived neighbourhoods, the Local Government Association warned this week.
London Transport's chief executive has admitted to MPs that London Underground would still face a 'funding gap' if the proposed £8bn public-private partnership went ahead.
Software supplier Microsoft and management consultant the Barony Group have launched a blueprint to help local authorities reach the government's targets for electronic delivery of services.
Health Secretary Alan Milburn launched a countrywide consultation programme with NHS staff and patients this week and said it should lead to a new Beveridge report that will shape the health service...
The Ministry of Defence claimed this week it was on target to meet its Public Service Agreement of delivering £700m worth of receipts by 2002 from the sale of its surplus assets.
A committee of MPs has castigated the NHS Executive for its failure to manage investment in IT projects and warns that without a major 'sea change' its £1bn strategy will not deliver value for money.
Scotland's largest public-private partnership scheme to rebuild Glasgow's secondary schools would not have been affordable without additional government funding, the city's finance director told...
The government launched a stinging attack on the quality of adoption services this week in what could be the first move to loosen local authorities' grip on social services.
Labour reaffirmed its faith in the Private Finance Initiative this week when local government minister Hilary Armstrong unveiled 14 new schemes, totalling £300m.
Auditor general Bob Black used last week's CIPFA Scottish branch conference to defend his controversial policy of not naming councils and NHS trusts that have performed badly in audit reports.
Public services need to take a systematic approach to quality and should consider introducing peer group assessment to judge how standards have improved, CIPFA's chief executive told delegates at the...
The government has opened the multi-million pound schools' IT market to a wider range of private companies, including Internet developers and film-makers, to try to increase competition and raise...
The government has offered high-performing councils a 'third way' to hang on to housing stock, as registered social landlords were put on course to become the dominant housing providers by 2004.