The Blair government has launched a ten-point revamp of its New Deal project in an effort to counter suggestions that the scheme is not doing enough to help young people.
Police funding must be doubled for the next three years to avoid cuts in staffing, police authorities in England and Wales will tell the Home Office next month.
The Scottish Executive is facing a showdown with Westminster next week over the treatment of asylum seekers. Home Secretary Jack Straw is anxious to persuade Scotland to accept an extra 1,000 asylum...
The government's drive to deliver public services via the Internet is being undermined by Whitehall's 'risk-averse' culture and its inability to respond to change quickly, the first major...
A West Country council is to continue to work with the IT services company CSL in spite of chaos caused to its benefits payments by the privatised IT operation.
The Treasury is to more than double the number of cross-government spending programmes but has played down claims that this is an assault on the financial independence of individual Whitehall...
A major boost to the Private Finance Initiative in housing came this week with the government's announcement of four PFI schemes, totalling £185m, for the refurbishment of council houses.
Only a small number of primary care trusts (PCTs) may be formed next year, following the British Medical Association's insistence that the new bodies should receive support from at least two-thirds...
The reputation of government executive agencies has been dealt another blow this week after auditor general Sir John Bourn accused the Courts Funds Office of financial mismanagement and losing track...
Local government employers and their recognised trades unions signed a partnership agreement this week guaranteeing greater consultation with employees and their representatives throughout the Best...
Last weekend, the European Union made its first attempt to develop 'an area of freedom, security and justice'. EU leaders gathered at a special summit in Tampere, Finland, to commit to a common...
The Department of Social Security has shied away from a complete overhaul of its computer system in the wake of a catalogue of IT disasters across central government in the past few months.
The £650m third wave of NHS private finance schemes announced on July 7 will lead to the closure or downgrading of hospitals, and could spark another row over private funding.
Social Security Secretary Alistair Darling did little this week to dampen speculation that housing benefit faces abolition in a bid to cut down on massive levels of fraud.
Michael Bichard, permanent secretary to the Department for Education and Employment, has been created a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath in the Queen's Birthday Honours list.
Public service unions have ducked a confrontation over comments from the prime minister about the future of annual pay negotiations across the public sector.
The Post Office did not conceal its anger at the government's announcement this week that it is scrapping the £500m benefits card project as was widely suggested two weeks ago but denied by the...
Home Secretary Jack Straw this week committed Britain to accepting 1,000 Kosovar refugees a week and promised local authorities that the government will foot the bill.
Moves to streamline the housing benefit system are being stepped up after evidence that delays in processing claims is the major cause of rent arrears.
Serious financial irregularities at a further education college in Cheshire could be occurring in colleges across the country, the National Audit Office warned this week.