Major doubts have been cast on the government's plans for a mass mutualisation of public services, with scepticism over both staff appetite for and the viability of the model
Public sector spending cuts could lead to an exodus of graduates from regions outside the Southeast, impeding economic recovery, according to the Work Foundation.
Treasury plans to increase employee contributions to public sector pensions risk ‘breaking’ the system by prompting a mass exodus of members, the chief of one of the UK’s major schemes has warned.
Finance Secretary John Swinney has rejected claims that the Scottish Government failed to provide the UK Treasury with any detailed analysis of its case for full financial autonomy
Public sector finance chiefs should not be merely coping with change but mastering it - and that means learning new skills very quickly. Ann McFadyen and Brendan McCarron explain
Thousands more jobs and millions of pounds' worth of services are at risk unless the government allows more redundancy costs to be met from capital resources, councils warned today
Local government minister Andrew Stunell has written to council leaders reminding them to dip into their reserves during the current period of funding cuts and organisational change.
Local government finance jobs have been thrust into the spotlight as councils prepare their budgets and reorganise services in the shadow of a finance settlement that was tougher than many expected.
Public service reforms are being rushed through with little evidence to support them and also risk being undermined by spending cuts, say workers and voluntary organisations
Tony Redmond, former chair of the Commission for Local Administration in England and local government ombudsman, has been knighted in the latest round of honours
New jobs in the public sector hit a record low last month, at less than half the level recorded in December 2009, latest figures show. But demand for qualified accountants continues to rise.
With a harsh financial winter ahead, finance managers must be ready to step into the cold and guide other departments and their own staff through the blizzards ahead. Mark Pegg and Steve Watson offer...
'Serious organisational failings' in the Ministry of Defence have led to inefficiency and long-term additional costs, a damning report from the Public Accounts Committee has said
Up to 73,000 local government jobs are currently at risk in England, while libraries and leisure services are likely to bear the brunt of budget cuts, according to research by CIPFA
The London Borough of Lambeth wants to become the first 'co-operative council', using mutuals to pass power to the people. Finance and resources director Mike Suarez tells PF what this means and how...