By Vivienne Russell
21 January 2011
The Department of Work and Pensions needs to increase its efforts to reduce mistakes made by claimants, auditors said today.
A National Audit Office report found that efforts to tackle administrative error had borne fruit but there was no evidence that customer error had been given the same attention. Between 2006/07 and 2009/10, the NAO found no discernable decrease in the level of error caused by customers’ mistakes, These cost the DWP an estimated £1.1bn in overpayments in 2009/10. Underpayments for the same year were estimated at £800m.
The errors are difficult to tackle because they often arise from a change in a claimant’s circumstances, which they do not realise they have to tell the department about.
While some measures have been developed that would address this problem, the NAO found that these had not been targeted effectively. Data on the costs and benefits of such interventions were also lacking.
NAO head Amyas Morse said: ‘The Department for Work and Pensions faces a significant challenge in tackling error by claimants.
‘The department has demonstrated a firm commitment to tackling administrative error, while its resolve to tackle customer error has so far been less evident. It now needs to bring its focus on customer error to the same level. The key to success in each area is a coherent strategy supported by good information on what works to deliver the best results.’