Council leaders have called for greater compulsory purchase powers after analysis showed less than 60% of granted planning permissions have been completed since 2009-10.
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has apologised for a host of failures in the lead-up to the Grenfell Tower Fire at an official inquiry but the apology has been deemed an “insult” by...
Nearly 70% of councils in England spent more than planned on homelessness support last year due to shortages of affordable housing and insufficient housing benefits, according to analysis.
If the prime minister wishes to rebalance the relationship between North and South, he might want to start with local government spending, argues Graham Chapman, councillor at Nottingham City Council...
The Public Works Loan Board interest rate hike caused “dismay” among councils, according to Sarah Pickup deputy chief executive of the Local Government Association.
The four-year freeze on Local Housing Allowance rates is to be lifted in April bringing the benefit in line with inflation, the government has announced.
More than 13,500 affordable homes have been lost in the last four years due to planning rules which allow offices to be converted into housing without planning permission, council leaders have...
Restrictions on council right to buy receipts, lack of grant funding and land shortages are stifling council housebuilding efforts, a survey has found.
The government’s £4m package to help councils tackle rogue landlords in England is “nowhere near enough”, according to a membership group for private landlords.
Councils must be given greater flexibilities to allow them produce more houses and end the housing crisis, writes Gavin Smart, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing.
The number of households assessed by local authorities as either homeless or threatened with homelessness has increased by 11.4% over the past year, official figures have shown.
The government must remove the hurdles it has set down if it is serious about tackling the escalating housing crisis London is facing, writes Lewisham mayor Damien Egan.
As we remember the sacrifices of those that have served in the armed forces, Riverside Housing Association’s Lee Buss writes about how Britain’s new Office for Veteran Affairs can act to end...