The Scottish Government is to pump an additional £200m of funding into its Affordable Housing Supply Programme next year, to help the construction sector’s recovery from Covid-19.
Ealing Council has approved plans to borrow more than £390m over 50 years to on-lend to its housing company to build more than 1,300 affordable homes over the next six years.
The UK government's planning white paper underestimates the complex relationship between new homes and the communities they are built in, says Dr Alison Knight.
Local government pension schemes in Lincolnshire, South Yorkshire and Tyne and Wear have invested a combined £97m into a ten-year residential investment fund.
The future of our planet depends on finding a financially sustainable way to implement technologies that reduce carbon emissions from buildings, says Tim Reade.
Council investment in buying buildings dropped by 56% in the first quarter compared to last year, while spending on new construction projects fell just 14% according to government data.
Harrow Council has agreed to create a regeneration joint venture worth up to £600m with developer Wates Residential, with plans including a new civic centre, school and up to 1,500 homes.
Northampton Borough Council has approved proposals to borrow an additional £50m to help with the acquisitions of properties, in a bid to reduce homelessness in the borough.
Councils could speed up infrastructure and affordable housing delivery by borrowing against its proposed new infrastructure levy according to the government’s consultation on planning reform.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and Hampshire County Council have signed a contract with developer Urban and Civic to deliver a £1.2bn housing project.
Additional grant funding of around £10bn will be required if the government is to meeting social housing demand, according to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee.
Councils borrowed £875m for housing projects in March from the Public Works Loan Board after the introduction of a special rate for housing revenue account projects in the Budget.
Boris Johnson’s infrastructure promise offers a one-dimensional approach to helping public services recover from the shock of Covid-19, argues Chris Thomas.
The removal of dangerous cladding from buildings in the wake of the Grenfell disaster has slowed due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report from the National...
The government’s initiative to find emergency accommodation for rough sleepers during the pandemic offers an opportunity to make this the beginning of the end of homelessness, argues Crisis chief...
Rehousing individuals and families currently on the waiting list for council housing could take up to 17 years, given the current backlog and the slow pace of development, research from CIPFA has...
The economic fall-out from the Covid-19 pandemic will require higher levels of investment in social housing, according to the Chartered Institute of Housing.
Tenants have received discounts of almost £5bn to help purchase council house properties since the raising of right to buy discounts in 2012, according to the Local Government Association.
The prime minister has announced an extra £236m of funding as official figures show rough sleeping in England has fallen by 9% in a year but remains 141% higher than a decade ago.