City of Edinburgh Council will progress with a £30m housing pilot which could see former council homes sold back to the authority to cover essential repairs.
Torbay Council proposes borrowing at least £45m to lend to a recently-created housing subsidiary, to help boost the number of affordable homes in the borough.
The London Borough of Newham has approved plans to spend hundreds of millions of pounds in the next three years to regenerate and add to its housing stock.
Councils will get just £300m extra to help low-income households make their homes more efficient after the government abandoned a £1.5bn grants scheme with a similar aim after just six months.
The New Homes Bonus needs reform – but government proposals would be better combined with a systematic shake-up of council finances, says Tracy Bingham.
The government has revised support measures to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority after pulling out of a £100m affordable housing agreement.
The New Homes Bonus could be reformed to help councils fund infrastructure in areas with lower land values, according to a new government consultation.
Merton Council plans to wind up its wholly owned housing company Merantun Development Ltd, after the company’s business case was deemed “no longer viable”.
The argument for shifting resources away from housing benefit subsidies to social housing provision is growing stronger, says councillor Graham Chapman.