The government hopes £650,000 of funding will improve efficiency and create a “supersquad” at a shared planning service, improving already-good outcomes locally as well as benefitting ...
Local housebuilding targets are to become mandatory as part of an overhaul of the planning system to help deliver the government’s target of 1.5m new homes by 2029.
Over 300,000 people have been pushed into poverty by rising mortgage interest rates, according to a new report warning policymakers could be misled by poverty statistics which mask the true scale of...
Local authorities are being put under unsustainable financial pressure by their duty to tackle homelessness, with some warning that the demand for temporary accommodation risks pushing them into...
Building enough homes to house everyone on England’s social housing waiting lists would cost more than is spent each year on the NHS, according to a report from a property consultancy.
Serious failings uncovered at Guildford Borough Council in the wake of a criminal investigation into potential fraud in the council’s housing department show it needs to get a grip of its culture and...
Social housing providers have taken the “deeply concerning” decision to build fewer homes as a result of the financial pressures upon them, exacerbating a chronic shortage in social housing, an...
The government has been accused of economic illiteracy for failing to allow councils to use 100% of right-to-buy proceeds to improve the availability of social housing.
Government plans to house asylum seekers in barges and former military sites will cost £46m more than continuing to use hotels, according to a report from the National Audit Office.
The government must provide authorities with enough funding to boost housebuilding, councils have said, in response to a report that warned the private sector will be unable to fix the housing crisis...