HMRC has likely “vastly underestimated” the scale of tax evasion and shown a lack of curiosity about the root of the problem, according to a critical parliamentary report.
Senior civil servants might be deliberately undermining vital fraud detection work in an attempt to protect their organisation’s reputation, according to counter-fraud workers.
Local authorities must learn from failings that allowed a £1m fraud to go undetected for almost two decades, Scotland’s public spending watchdog has said.
Carers could be alerted “as a matter of course” when their earnings reach the permitted threshold under changes being considered by the government to tackle the crisis in allowance overpayment.
Serious failings uncovered at Guildford Borough Council in the wake of a criminal investigation into potential fraud in the council’s housing department show it needs to get a grip of its culture and...
An affront to justice, a two-decade cover-up and a bill for taxpayers of £1.2bn. But it took a TV drama to wake Westminster up to the Post Office scandal. PF explores.
A former officer at New Forest District Council has been jailed for almost five years after defrauding the authority of more than £88,000 through inflated maintenance work.
What does Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index tell us about the state of the world? CIPFA international director Khalid Hamid explores the issues.
Slow progress in recovering incorrectly paid or fraudulently claimed Covid-19 business grants, could lead to a loss of almost £1bn, parliament’s Public Accounts Committee has warned.
Monitoring right-to-buy applications stopped the fraudulent purchase of 34 homes owned by Ipswich Borough Council and prevented more than £6m being lost last year.
The news agenda moves fast. Stay on top of some key stories from around the sector. Here we cover: Kent asking for a judicial review, rising children’s services costs, council staff hiding second...
Fraud investigators will be unable to successfully tackle international money laundering and corruption without a significant increase in funding, delegates at Public Finance Live were told.
In an ever-more digitalised world it is only becoming more important for public sector organisations to ensure their staff have digital skills, writes María Balbás.
MPs have suggested councils would likely recover more of the business grant funding lost to fraud and error if they were allowed to keep some of the money.
The government has shown “no real signs” of improvements that would prevent it from making the same mistakes that led to £2.2bn of Covid-19 business loans and grants being lost to incorrect or...
Reported fraud nearly quadrupling in the wake of Covid-19, and the fact that the government looks unlikely to recover most of the money, could lead to fraud and corruption becoming more accepted, the...