Administrators have begun selling the assets of a solar investment company to which Thurrock Council lent more than £650m, in order to repay the company’s debts.
Bristol City Council could be forced to issue a section 114 notice in future years if it is unable to cut its dedicated schools grant deficit, a senior officer has warned.
Insufficient data means the government has no understanding of what departments and combined authorities are spending on levelling up, MPs have warned.
Getting to grips with public finance should be a “huge part” of newly elected councillors’ plans if they are to best serve their communities during these difficult times, CIPFA’s chief executive Rob...
Sporadic funding at the onset of Covid-19 following a decade of underinvestment left social care with an “array of weaknesses” that hampered services during the pandemic, researchers have said.
A shrinking budget and higher spending needs could force Northern Irish departments to make £800m of cuts this year, the nation’s financial watchdog has warned.
The government will fail to eradicate regional inequalities across the UK without providing additional support to more deprived areas and ending competitive bidding pots, urban council leaders have...
The government’s flagship ‘levelling up’ policy has so far not effectively funded some of the country’s most deprived areas because of tensions within its approach, a group of researchers has said.
The Northern Irish Executive will be allowed to pay back a near-£300m overspend over two years rather than one, easing some of the huge pressure on departments that had been expected, but a UK...
The absence of a working Northern Ireland Executive is putting critical government services at risk and jeopardising public sector transformation, civil servants have warned.
Raising planning fees will do little to alleviate the current issues in the planning system without also changing how decisions are made, experts have warned.
Historical governance and financial management issues have led external auditors for the London Borough of Croydon to outline significant weaknesses in previous years’ accounts.
Delays in allocating post-European Union funding to Northern Irish departments have had “serious consequences” for organisations reliant on the funding, senior civil servants have warned.
Plans to halve proposed funding to revitalise the social care workforce show the government is not serious about improving and investing in the sector, experts have said.
Big overspends this year will lead to sharp real-terms cuts for Northern Irish departments next year, the devolved nation’s financial forecaster has warned.
For councils looking at easing their financial challenges, Norse Group chief executive Justin Galliford explains how partnership working offers a safer way to generate additional revenue.
Plans to allocate £2.5bn of funding to improve school and college buildings and support more school places fall well short of the sector’s needs after a decade of underinvestment, leaders have said.
Significant concerns over governance have led external auditors for the London Borough of Croydon to issue statutory recommendations, including that the authority shows how its 15% council tax rise...
The government wants to step up its intervention in the London Borough of Croydon because, despite the council's hard work, it is continuing to not meet its best value duty.
Despite higher tax income and lower spending on energy support, the government has less fiscal headroom than any in recent years, the Office for Budget Responsibility has said.