Rising construction costs and high interest rates have made East Ayrshire Council’s £24.5m renewable research project “unaffordable” in its current form, officers have said.
UK towns will receive £20m of funding over the next decade to improve local transport, reduce crime and encourage high street regeneration in a bid to reduce regional inequalities.
Rising costs and ongoing financial crisis have prompted Woking Borough Council to propose shelving an infrastructure project aimed at helping to deliver additional homes.
A growing number of councils are “teetering on the brink” amid rising demand and strained finances that will leave them an estimated £3.6bn budget gap in England, Scotland and Wales, Unison has...
Rising service demand following a decade of underfunding has put the London Borough of Havering at severe risk of issuing a Section 114 notice in the next 12 months, its finance director has said.
An improvement board of senior local government experts will support Southampton City Council amid concerns from external auditors who have warned there is a “real” threat of a Section 114 notice.
The government will need to spend an additional £4.4bn a year to reverse the decline in capital funding and ensure schools are safe for children, unions have said.
Low usable reserves and a projected overspend have put Middlesbrough Council at risk of issuing a Section 114 notice this year, its external auditors have said.
Longstanding governance issues and a recent Section 114 notice have prompted levelling up secretary Michael Gove to propose appointing commissioners at Birmingham City Council.
Concerns over the speed of fixing a faltering IT system and potentially discriminatory pay structure have prompted external auditors for Birmingham City Council to issue statutory recommendations.
Financial pressures at Derbyshire County Council are “greater than ever experienced before” and have prompted the authority to propose stopping all non-essential spending to try to deal with a £46.4m...
Faltering retail investments have saddled a council in levelling up secretary Michael Gove’s constituency with tens of millions of pounds of debt, and left it at risk of a Section 114 notice within...
Declining reserve and cash balances have restricted the use of internal borrowing and left authorities open to greater financing risks, experts have said.
The absence of funding reforms and rising costs have restricted council finances and could prevent authorities from hosting major sporting events such as the Commonwealth Games, an expert has said.
Concerns over weak financial management and poor procurement have prompted Audit Wales to publish rare public interest reports against two authorities.
Hosting the Commonwealth Games took officer and councillor attention away from delivering financial stability to Birmingham City Council, a former advisor has said.
High inflation and rising service demand could put Suffolk County Council in a “financially challenging situation” next year and at risk of an intervention from its finance director.
The council in the country’s second-largest city has issued a Section 114 notice as it faces down an £87m budget gap this year and an equal pay liability of three-quarters of a billion pounds.
Rising borrowing costs and inflation have led Spelthorne Borough Council to consider shelving its planned housing investments and seeking out an alternative way to deliver them.
Rishi Sunak cut funding for rebuilding schools with dangerous concrete construction while chancellor despite warnings of “a critical risk to life”, a former permanent secretary has claimed.
A reliance on a faltering “high-risk alternative funding strategy” to balance budgets in the medium term has put Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council’s financial stability at risk, its...