Global tax avoidance, Italy’s deteriorating public finances and New Zealand’s ‘landmark well-being budget’ - all in the Numbers Game from the July-August 2019 edition of Public Finance...
Pivotal choices loom on local government funding but if we don’t address what we expect from our councils we risk a system that fails to meet needs, says the IFS’ David Phillips.
The government has swiftly brought in measures to stop a renewable energy sector VAT fraud - one of a range of scams costing EU states an estimated €50bn each year.
The Scottish Government is facing a budgetary shortfall of £1bn over the next three years in the wake of updated forecasts, which more accurately reflect income tax receipts north and south of the...
Tax havens luring companies engaged in cross-border trade with rock-bottom rates are destroying the century-old global corporate tax system, says an international network.
Extra pressure could be placed on the NHS as doctors reduce their workloads because of tax charged on pension contributions, according to the British Medical Association.
The assignation of VAT revenues to the Scottish Government could expose the Scottish budget to risk because of the difficulty in producing robust estimates, tax experts have warned.
A warning has been sounded over Scotland’s public finances as new figures show tax revenues will be undermined by sluggish wage growth north of the border.
The Scottish budget has passed its final parliamentary hurdle as MSPs backed measures that will see the tax gap widen between Scotland and the rest of the UK.
The public sector ran a £15bn surplus in January – the biggest on record for that month – as a result of strong taxes coming in, official figures have revealed.
A proposal which will see increasing divergence in income tax rates between Scotland and the rest of the UK has been given the green light by the Scottish Parliament.
The Welsh Revenue Authority and Welsh Treasury are “working well” to implement plans that shift some tax and borrowing powers from the UK government to the country, the auditor general for Wales...
The HMRC has been accused of causing taxpayers considerable distress as it prioritises the recovery of tax revenue over justice, according to a group of Lords.
The Scottish Government’s draft budget this month will reveal not only the impact of an improving economic outlook on public finances but the extent of Holyrood’s determination to plough a...
The Welsh Government has worked hard to protect frontline services from the effects of austerity but there is still more to do, the Welsh cabinet secretary for finance Mark Drakeford says.