Proposals released today putting a greater emphasis on quality in the awarding of local government audit contracts would see fees rise if adopted, according to an expert.
The government has proposed making the replacement to the Financial Reporting Council the new system leader for local audit, following the Redmond Review.
Many of the recommendations in the Redmond Review can be carried out in the short-term without the need for new legislation, Sir Tony Redmond has told the PF Live conference.
A proposed additional statement on local authority accounts outlined in the Redmond Review could lead to additional work and extra costs for councils, Sir Tony Redmond said.
Sir Tony Redmond’s recently published review ticks most – if not all - the boxes needed to improve local authority audit, says Diana Melville, CIPFA’s governance adviser.
There is “no comparison” between the proposed new oversight body to take charge of local authority audit, and the defunct Audit Commission, according to Sir Tony Redmond.
Former CIPFA president Tony Redmond will discuss his independent review into local authority audit and scrutiny at the annual Public Finance Live Conference in October, which is going online for the...
An independent regulating body to oversee local audit would eliminate fragmentation in England and help restore trust, writes Joanna Pitt local government policy manager at CIPFA.
CIPFA members are being asked for their views on proposed changes to the institute’s governance structure, intended to reflect its increasingly global outlook.