The Bank of England selling public debt could leave the government open to up to £130bn of losses, MPs have said, arguing policymakers “took a leap in the dark”.
A better-than-expected outlook for public finances is likely to give chancellor Jeremy Hunt headroom for tax cuts ahead of the general election, an economist has said.
The government has only met its target to show debt will fall by “pretending” certain measures, including the fuel duty freeze, will end this year, economists at the Institute for Fiscal Studies have...
The government might lose around £15bn a year by 2032 if it decides to ditch inheritance tax, economists at the Institute for Fiscal Studies have warned.
Persistent inflation and weak productivity will hurt growth prospects, putting the UK economy at a high risk of recessions in 2023 and 2024, economists have warned.
The government’s growing debt burden and high interest costs are a key risk to public finances and must be managed carefully, the National Audit Office has said.
NHS and teaching unions have warned the rejection of pay review body recommendations will lead to extra strike action and undermine the remit of the bodies.
The rise of electric vehicles will leave a £10bn hole in UK public finances within a decade as fuel duty revenue dwindles, and the government faces calls to overhaul road taxes to make up for it.
Higher life expectancy could see pension and social care costs exceed more than a quarter of government spending over the long term, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has warned.
UK public sector borrowing last month was the fourth highest October figure since the Office for National Statistics began collecting data, a fact it put down to the government beginning to subsidise...
Higher borrowing costs and spiralling inflation amid weaker economic growth mean public finances have “materially worsened” since March, the Office for Budget Responsibility has said.
The government’s package of tax cuts aimed at boosting economic activity are unlikely to stimulate enough growth to pay for themselves, and could lead to future tax rises or spending cuts, economists...
New chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s first ‘fiscal event’ to provide more details on the energy support package will take place on 23 September, PF understands.
Reduced net migration to the UK due to Covid-19 and Brexit could create further pressure on local government finances, according to ratings agency Moody’s.
Confidence in UK public finances has taken a hit as the latest data revealed a smaller than expected budget surplus last month following a sharp rise in borrowing.
Global tax avoidance, Italy’s deteriorating public finances and New Zealand’s ‘landmark well-being budget’ - all in the Numbers Game from the July-August 2019 edition of Public Finance...
Tory leadership contenders are falling over themselves to lavish money on public finances. Guardian columnist Gaby Hinsliff asks if they can put the money where their mouths are.
Fiscal devolution and a reconfiguration of political economy in localities will become the battleground of domestic policy in the post-Brexit general election, argues Jonathan Werran.
Scotland’s public finances showed a modest improvement this year, with a recovery in North Sea oil and gas revenue driving the notional deficit down to 7.9% of GDP, compared to 8.9% last year.