Reduced net migration to the UK due to Covid-19 and Brexit could create further pressure on local government finances, according to ratings agency Moody’s.
A new global resettlement scheme for vulnerable refugees is being created from next year, replacing the current programmes and welcoming in around 5,000 more refugees in the UK.
Local authorities may withdraw from providing asylum accommodation because they take on a “disproportionate share” of responsibilities with little support, MPs have warned.
Problems affecting the social care sector are not related to European migration but rather reflect the lack of a sustainable funding model, an expert report commissioned by the government has...
Net migration has fallen to 246,000 in the year to March, down 81,000 according to official figures, sparking recruitment and retention concerns for business and the public sector.
Reports yesterday said the government will seek a system after Brexit by which nationals of European Union states can visit the UK without a visa but would need a work permit to take up employment.
A British exit from the European Union would hit the wages of workers by an average of £38 a week by 2030 due to lower trade, investment and economic demand, according to the Trades Union...
Up to 20,000 Syrian refugees could enter the UK in the next five years under a government scheme. How do councils manage the arrival of refugees, and do they receive sufficient funding from central...
The Local Government Association has confirmed that councils are in negotiations with government to devise a long-term plan for the settlement of refugees after David Cameron said the UK would take...
Local authorities that take in refugees from the crisis in Syria are to be given funding from the UK’s international development budget, ministers have confirmed today.
Councils have said they are ready to play their part in accepting more refugees from the crisis in Syria after Prime Minister David Cameron confirmed plans to take in “thousands more”.
The Local Government Association has today called on the government to reimburse councils facing big increases in the number of asylum seekers, particularly unaccompanied children, arriving in...
David Cameron’s plans to curtail migrants’ rights to social housing have the appearance of being thought up quickly and not thought through properly. There are much better ways to...