Companies benefiting from big UK government contracts operating in tax havens, public sector consulting bill tops £1.4bn and young and women suffer the most from unemployment in...
Seaside towns dominate the latest rankings for personal bankruptcies, adding to evidence that coastal regions are failing to keep pace with the rest of the economy.
Investment might be flowing into local areas but poverty and inequality persist. ‘New municipalism’ is a term that has emerged as an answer to improving local economic development. Dominic Brady...
Groups have called for the housing crisis to be fixed after official figures revealed two homeless people died in England and Wales each day last year.
Rising global hunger, aid shortfalls and baby foods full of sugar - all in the Numbers Game from the September 2019 edition of Public Finance magazine.
Real income growth has ground to a halt after five years of recovery, with lowest income households hardest hit because of cuts in benefits and tax credits.
Increasing levels of child poverty are affecting children and young people’s education, with schools dealing with ‘Dickensian’ levels of squalor, a major teaching union has warned.
Families rely more on food banks over the summer holidays because children do not have access to free school meals, according to an anti-poverty charity.
Child poverty has risen twice as fast as official figures suggest and has been significantly underestimated in government data, a think-tank has warned.
If the government is serious about improving the life chances of poorer children, it should reconsider its plans for grammar schools, says the Education Policy Institute’s Natalie Perera.
Automation could be a good thing but we need to focus on improving skills in cities outside the South of England to stop it creating a greater economic divide between the North and South, says Centre...
Growing levels of public sector corruption around the world have fuelled the rise of populist politicians, Transparency International said as it released its 2016 Corruption Perceptions Index.
Just eight men hold the same wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population, Oxfam has found in a report that aims to put rampant global inequality into perspective.
Former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg has launched a cross-party commission to investigate how to close regional gaps in school attainment that have widened over the past 30 years.
The election result on May 7 may have surprised pundits expecting a hung parliament. But it was equally interesting in what it says about Britain today, and who now gets to become an MP.