Nearly £1bn of homelessness service funding is set to end next year, sector organisations have warned chancellor Rachel Reeves, asking for the money to be rolled over in the upcoming Budget.
Local authorities are being put under unsustainable financial pressure by their duty to tackle homelessness, with some warning that the demand for temporary accommodation risks pushing them into...
Extending the Household Support Fund and reforming council temporary accommodation support at next week’s Budget are important to mitigate some financial pressures facing London boroughs, a senior...
Councils will be unable to build new social and affordable homes to help address the housing crisis without political support from Westminster, an expert has said.
Improving the generosity of benefits and making a long-term commitment to boost social and affordable housing numbers are critical to fixing the temporary accommodation crisis, an expert has said.
Significant government investment to almost quadruple social and affordable home-building could reduce homelessness and deliver net economic benefits of £1.5bn a year, researchers have said.
Data sharing with Whitehall is seen as “burdensome” by many small councils, which often lack the resources and relationship with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities larger...
Already-stretched councils have found it much more difficult to manage their support for Ukrainian refugees than they should have, because of the government’s uncertainty and lack of direction over...
Northampton Borough Council has approved proposals to borrow an additional £50m to help with the acquisitions of properties, in a bid to reduce homelessness in the borough.
The government’s initiative to find emergency accommodation for rough sleepers during the pandemic offers an opportunity to make this the beginning of the end of homelessness, argues Crisis chief...
The government has launched a taskforce to help ensure that homeless people moved into accommodation during the coronavirus pandemic do not return to sleeping rough once the crisis is resolved.
Tenants have received discounts of almost £5bn to help purchase council house properties since the raising of right to buy discounts in 2012, according to the Local Government Association.
The prime minister has announced an extra £236m of funding as official figures show rough sleeping in England has fallen by 9% in a year but remains 141% higher than a decade ago.
Nearly 70% of councils in England spent more than planned on homelessness support last year due to shortages of affordable housing and insufficient housing benefits, according to analysis.
Councils must be given greater flexibilities to allow them produce more houses and end the housing crisis, writes Gavin Smart, chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing.
The number of households assessed by local authorities as either homeless or threatened with homelessness has increased by 11.4% over the past year, official figures have shown.
As we remember the sacrifices of those that have served in the armed forces, Riverside Housing Association’s Lee Buss writes about how Britain’s new Office for Veteran Affairs can act to end...