The lack of money put towards recruiting and training staff will hinder Welsh councils’ enforcement of post-Grenfell building safety reforms, the spending watchdog has said.
A London council has agreed a multi-million-pound settlement following a legal dispute over cladding fitted during refurbishments to a private finance initiative housing estate.
The Department for Levelling up Housing and Communities could be forced to spend more of its budget removing dangerous Grenfell-style cladding, according to local government secretary Michael...
Local government secretary Michael Gove has suggested that higher taxes could be levied on property developers as a “backstop” to fund the £4bn removal of dangerous Grenfell-style cladding.
Canterbury City Council is set to borrow up to £4m towards the cost of recladding three authority owned tower blocks, in preparation for new rules introduced following the Grenfell Tower...
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has apologised for a host of failures in the lead-up to the Grenfell Tower Fire at an official inquiry but the apology has been deemed an “insult” by...
The Grenfell Tower inquiry report was released last week - more than two years after the Kensington and Chelsea block went up in flames. But progress on improving safety remains too slow, says the...
Inter-American Development Bank funds efforts to ease Latin American migrant tensions, charities call for increased public health investment and criticism over delays to cladding removal after the...
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea made a series of multi-million pound property deals while cutting costs on Grenfell Tower’s refurbishments, research has found.
Charities and trade bodies have criticised the time it has taken the government to launch a £200m fund to remove Grenfell-style cladding from private high-rise buildings.
The government has launched its promised consultation on banning combustible cladding on the exteriors of high-rise residential buildings, the housing secretary has announced.
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council spent 25% of its usable reserves last financial year as a result of the Grenfell Tower fire, figures out today have revealed.
These essays, by leading public sector practitioners and experts, examine how to transform the housing landscape, and the role of public housing in that process.
These essays, by leading public sector practitioners and experts, examine how to transform the housing landscape, and the role of public housing in that process.Come to a topical debate on Tuesday 24...