Efforts to reduce budget pressures may have led to Nottingham City Council breaching regulations on the use of ringfenced income, an independent report has said.
Low usable reserves and a projected overspend have put Middlesbrough Council at risk of issuing a Section 114 notice this year, its external auditors have said.
External auditors for a council in north-east England have threatened to issue statutory recommendations because “deep-rooted” relationship issues between officers and councillors are undermining...
External auditors have criticised North Norfolk District Council' weak internal control measures and failing to comply with its financial regulations over the commissioning of an independent review.
Peterborough City Council’s external auditors have raised serious concerns about the financial situation of the authority, which has become reliant on additional government support.
Creating 27 unitary councils across the whole of England could save as much as £2.9bn, according to an independent analysis of local government reorganisation options undertaken for the County...
A new CIPFA and EY service for accounts closedowns will free up professional accountants in local authorities for work for which consultants may now be used, CIPFA’s annual conference in Manchester...
All small hospitals in England are set to run a deficit in 2015/16, the first time that every provider with turnovers of under £200m a year will be in the red, an analysis by EY has found.
Public Finance talks to EY’s Uschi Schreiber at the CIPFA Conference about emerging global trends, how the public sector can respond and the role of women in public finance
Large accountancy firms that advise corporations and individuals on tax avoidance should be banned from working with or for the government, the Public Accounts Committee said today.