Keeping citizens' data centrally seemed such a good idea. It could help to catch terrorists, protect children, save patients' lives, and stop people from providing the same details to different...
The Post Office is trying to slash its local branch network but residents are up in arms and councils are rushing to the rescue. So it's no surprise then that the closures have become a hot election...
Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly has announced a review of the way Britain's airports are run after a report from the Competition Commission said that BAA's monopoly was not necessarily in the public...
Housing Corporation officials are keeping a close eye on loans to registered social landlords to ensure that housebuilding plans for the next three years are not derailed.
The two main parties are slugging it out for control of London on May 1, and both have everything to play for. A Boris Johnson win would show that the Tories are electable again, a Ken Livingstone...
The idea of 'lifetime homes' designed to meet the needs of older or disabled residents is fast catching on. But how about the costs to developers and first-time buyers? Neil Merrick investigates
Households living in new eco-towns will be subject to strict transport rules with no more than half permitted to own a car, the government confirmed this week.
Many large councils will soon be involved in carbon trading schemes as part of efforts to combat climate change. But they will need to raise awareness and improve communications if the initiative is...
The legal framework for flood risk management is 'a mess', with gaps that make it hard to establish who is responsible for what, Sir Michael Pitt, who is carrying out a review of last summer's floods...
John Swinney has insisted that the Scottish government's local income tax plans are 'robust' and can be delivered, despite the flood of criticism that greeted the publication of his consultation...
Northern Ireland's 26 district councils are to merge into 11 new councils. A decision of the Northern Ireland Executive was opposed only by the two Ulster Unionist ministers after intensive...
Benefits reform is back centre stage, with new get-tough policies for a part-privatised jobs service. The welfare czar talks to Judy Hirst about breaking the dependency habit
The 1997 Single Status Agreement was supposed to end unequal pay in local government. But a decade on, women are still underpaid, thousands of cases are clogged up in tribunals and workers are on the...
The centre of government has been given a make-over, with new policy advisers and even a permanent secretary at Number 10. But they're no nearer to finding Brown's big idea, says Tony Travers
This year has got off to a somewhat odd start, with the word that dared not speak its name nationalisation back from the dead, and even state ownership of body parts up for debate
The 'use of resources' element of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment has led to a dramatic improvement in council services. But it won't be stopping there. In fact, it's set to play an even...
The Private Finance Initiative is delivering real benefits but needs sustained political will and the right environment to succeed, business leaders have told a Scottish Parliament inquiry into...