The UK government’s health and social care white paper promises radical reforms. But who will check they meet the aim of delivering better value for money?
Rebecca Richards, director of NHS Wales Finance Academy talks explains how her organisation has adapted to training and recruiting staff in the wake of Covid-19.
Issues with external audit are not confined to local government – the NHS system is also not working, says Emma Knowles, director of policy and research at the Healthcare Financial Management...
NHS accounts show the service already faced financial problems going into the Covid-19 pandemic, despite the boost provided by the NHS Long Term Plan. Amelia Chong, policy adviser for finances at NHS...
The government is considering an overhaul of the healthcare system which would put partnerships between councils and the NHS onto a statutory footing, a leaked document reveals.
Covid-19 has hastened reforms to NHS funding, but governance risks exist in areas of the country lacking mature relationships between health partners and councils, says Patrick Garratt, senior policy...
Increased funding for the NHS and Department of Health & Social Care is welcome, but is not enough to cover the impact of Covid-19 or transformation plans, explains NHS Providers policy adviser...
The NHS will need to continue to derive value from costly infrastructure investments made during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the deputy chief executive of NHS Providers.
NHS leader’s have called on prime minister Boris Johnson to honour his promise to fix the social care sector and put the service on a sustainable footing.
Thousands of new nurses will be trained in the next few years, the government has said while announcing £172m of funding for apprenticeship schemes, but experts in the field have warned that plans do...
The government has announced £3bn of extra funding for the NHS in England to deal with an upcoming “perfect storm” that threatens to tip the health service over capacity.
The Department for Health and Social Care needs to devise a capital strategy to address backlog in NHS maintenance work post-Covid-19, a report from the Public Accounts Committee has warned.
With coronavirus rendering obsolete the assumptions on which last year’s long-term plan was based, leaders must reconsider sustainability , writes NHS Providers policy officer Patrick Garratt.
Covid-19 has exposed problems in health and care systems, and we need to re-think how we view efficiency in the NHS, argues the Health Foundation’s Anita Charlesworth.
With coronavirus prompting big questions about the kind of health and care system we need, Rachel Willcox asks whether it will lead to a fundamental restructuring of our NHS and improve the...
Short-term deficit fixes have made some parts of the NHS financially unsustainable, and new proposals to restructure and write off debt are only part of the solution, argues the Healthcare...
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has confirmed the government is to waive duties and VAT on medical imports from outside the EU, in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Coronavirus disruption has led officials to push back the deadline for NHS accounts, and delay the implementation of an IFRS accounting standard for a year.
The government must get to grips with fraud within the NHS which is costing £1.27bn a year, argues Matthew Jordan-Boyd of the NHS Counter Fraud Authority.