Sajid Javid has said the health service needs “one of the most comprehensive reform plans that this country has ever seen” if it is to avoid becoming unsustainably expensive and requiring cuts to...
The government is set to issue new guidance and amend legislation to enable further pooling of NHS and healthcare budgets, in a bid to improve integration.
The government has told NHS England to give private hospitals up to £270m before the end of March as part of an arrangement that does not necessarily mean they will treat any NHS patients.
Integrated care boards are set to take more power over NHS resources in April next year. A survey of trust leaders shows support for the move – but has outlined a number of pitfalls that must be...
“Glaring holes” in the NHS capital budget pose a risk to patient safety and mean long waiting lists will be tough to reduce, the government has been warned.
Inaugural chair Hardev Virdee is determined to ensure that a new NHS finance academy helps the health finance profession better reflect the communities it serves
Staff shortages in the NHS and social care pose the “biggest risk to post-pandemic recovery” and health service funding needs to grow twice as fast as it has in the past decade, research has...
Healthcare services in England will likely require multi-billion-pound top-ups over the medium term if they are to avoid spending reductions, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies.
New guidance on embedding digital infrastructure is welcome, but further funding is required to meet upscaling needs, says Margaret Steward, policy and projects officer at NHS Providers.
Health services in England will receive billions more in funding for the remainder of 2021-22 to help meet Covid-19 costs, but service leaders have warned of “one of the most challenging winters”...
NHS England will need a further £10bn next year, to help cover Covid-19 costs without the need for service cuts, according to two leading health bodies.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak is coming under intense pressure from NHS providers to commit more funding to help the service recover from Covid-19, according to reports.
The Scottish government has announced it will provide more than £1bn additional funding over five years to help address health shortages and treatment backlogs created by Covid-19.
Proposals to better integrate health care rely on the NHS being adequately funded in the forthcoming Spending Review, says Amelia Chong, policy advisor for finances and specialised services at...
Public sector unions will consult members on potential industrial action over a 3% pay rise from NHS workers, which has been branded “inadequate and underwhelming”.
The government’s Health and Care Bill will give more power for the health secretary to intervene in the running of health services in England and less local oversight, according...
Covid-19 led to UK healthcare spending reaching £269bn in 2020, a fifth higher than the previous year’s figure, according to Office for National Statistics data.
The government needs to commit £102bn of additional NHS and social care funding over the next decade to improve health equality post-Covid-19, medical experts have said.
Former prime minister David Cameron lobbied the government to adopt a scheme to convert NHS pay into bonds on behalf of now-insolvent firm Greensill Capital, according to a report.
A decision by NHS trusts to back down in their legal battle to receive business rates rebates removes a huge headache for local authorities, experts have told PF.