The government balance sheet is increasingly being used to support flagging sectors of the economy from infrastructure to mortgages. What are the risks to the public finances?
This Budget saw the chancellor tell MPs about some improved economic forecasts. However, the broad outlook remains uncertain – and Brexit didn’t even merit a mention
Whitehall departments have been told by the Treasury to draw up plans to make up to 6% savings under a cross-government efficiency drive, but any savings found in local government will be reinvested...
Former civil service chief Lord Kerslake has called for the Treasury’s financial management capabilities to be strengthened to tackle what he called “professional economists trying to be amateur...
The government must change the way it makes tax and budgetary decisions in order to avoid confusion, embarrassing u-turns and costly errors, expert analysts have said.
The government is now no longer the largest shareholder in Lloyds Bank the Treasury announced this morning, saying it had now recovered more than £18bn of the £20.3bn injected into the...
The government has now recovered over £17.5bn of the £20.3bn of taxpayers’ money injected into Lloyds during the financial crisis, the Treasury has announced.
Significant progress has been made in implementing the government’s financial management review, but the Treasury and chancellor Philip Hammond need to build on what has been achieved to date
With rifts in cabinet and country over Brexit, and rumours about the chancellor being sidelined, questions are being asked over the size of the Treasury’s influence
More than £500bn in planned public and private investment is now in the UK’s infrastructure pipeline, according to an update issued by the Treasury today.
In his first fiscal set piece, the new chancellor needed to paint a picture of a financially confident Britain but this was not an encouraging Autumn Statement
Chancellor Philip Hammond will not be able to resist calls for extra funding for health and social care for much longer, the head of the Institute for Fiscal Studies has predicted.
Scotland stands to gain just over £800m in extra capital spending over the next five years from the increased investment announced by chancellor Philip Hammond in the Autumn Statement today.
Council and NHS leaders have lamented today’s Autumn Statement as a ‘missed opportunity’ to allay the burgeoning health and social care funding crisis.
Combined authorities led by mayors are to be given borrowing powers and councils will have access to new low-cost loans under proposals set out today in the Autumn Statement to boost local growth.
Philip Hammond’s announcements on housing and mayoral borrowing powers represent a welcome shift in policy. But social care’s absence from the chancellor’s speech is more worrying.
Chancellor Philip Hammond delivered his first and last Autumn Statement in parliament today, announcing that the annual fiscal event will be abolished with immediate effect.
Chancellor Philip Hammond today set out three new fiscal rules as he confirmed the government had abandoned its plan to reach a spending surplus by 2020.
Brexit is likely to cost the UK economy 2.4 percentage points in growth over the next five years, according to Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts highlighted by chancellor Philip Hammond in...
The government has now recovered over £17bn of the £20.3bn of taxpayer money injected into Lloyds bank during the financial crisis, it has been announced.