The Treasury will spend £25m on a 'fraud squad' aimed at recovering funds wrongly given out in Covid-19 support schemes, with hopes the team will be up and running by the summer.
The government aims to cut the number of civil servants and reform exit payments, as part of wider plans to deliver £5.5bn of savings, according to a senior treasury minister.
The Treasury’s inaugural £10bn bond targeting investments in net zero projects, received more than £100bn of bids from the market, according to reports.
The government has committed to publishing its Green Financing Framework, which will set out new criteria for funding of its forthcoming green bonds, by the end of this month.
A group of experts has begun work to help create a set of standards for green investment in the UK, with sustainability becoming increasingly important for investors, including in the public sector.
The Treasury’s decision to reject a £15bn school recovery programme suggests a broader problem with the UK’s budgeting framework, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies.
Kevan Collins, the government's education recovery commissioner, has resigned following a "furious" row erupted with the Treasury over the department's rejection of his proposals for a £15bn school...
Former prime minister David Cameron defended supply chain finance as a way of reducing cost of public service provision, as he faced questions from MPs on the lobbying scandal.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has distanced himself from a post Covid-19 tax raid on higher earners, as he insisted the UK tax system is already “very progressive”.
Former prime minister David Cameron “quite persistently” lobbied Treasury officials to allow now-defunct Greensill Capital to access government Covid-19 support, according to the department's top...
The UK Treasury has updated the Green Book – its methodology for assessing funding bids – to help users put it into action more effectively to achieve ‘levelling up’. What do authorities need to know?
The newly announced UK Infrastructure Bank will offer £4bn of loan to authorities at the same interest cost as local infrastructure rates formerly offered through the Public Works Loan Board.
Councils will gain access to £4bn worth of loans for capital projects from the new UK Infrastructure Bank - although experts have raised questions about the lending rate.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak this week said a one percentage point rise in interest rates would add £25bn a year to the government’s debt servicing costs. So why isn’t the Treasury relieving the pressure...
Chancellor Rishi Sunak should not increase taxes in this week’s Budget, as they could undermine the Covid-19 recovery, the Treasury Select Committee has warned.
The Treasury has completed the sale of Bradford and Bingley and NRAM, formerly Northern Rock, for £5bn, after the banks were brought under government control during the financial crisis.
Treasury officials are looking into the implementation of an online sales tax and an ‘excessive profit’ levy, in response to the increase in online shopping resulting from Covid-19, according to...
MPs have warned that the financial sustainability of some local authorities presents a “significant risk” to the government's finances, and urged the swift implementation of the Redmond review into...