Council leaders across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have come together to urge whichever party wins the general election to set out a plan to devolve power across the country in the...
Only the Liberal Democrats will be able to deliver a stable coalition government after next week’s general election, Nick Clegg has claimed today, as neither of the main parties were being honest...
Labour would scrap stamp duty for first-time buyers as part of moves to boost housebuilding if it forms the next government, Ed Miliband announced today.
A Conservative government would legislate to ensure that people earning the National Minimum Wage are permanently removed from paying income tax, Prime Minister David Cameron has said.
Manifesto pledges suggest there will be more money for the NHS whoever wins the election, but there are radically different ideas about how to manage change and meet patients’ needs
A Conservative government would double the amount of free childcare available for three- and four-year-olds from 15 hours to 30, David Cameron announced.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has pledged to increase the pay of public sector workers by at least the rate of inflation for the next two years, and more beyond that.
Labour would hold an emergency Budget within 100 days of coming to office to introduce a new tax on homes worth more than £2m and a levy on tobacco firms, Ed Miliband has announced.
The Liberal Democrats would reform council funding by giving local authorities more powers over revenue and spending and a new right to demand devolution from Whitehall.
David Cameron has set out plans to extend the government’s Right-to-Buy scheme to social housing tenants, to be funded by forcing local authorities to sell off high-value council homes.
Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has set out plans to cap annual increases in working age benefits at 1% as part of plans to close the deficit by the end of 2017/18.
Plans set out by David Cameron to cut inheritance tax on family homes will further complicate the tax system without any strong economic argument for the change, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has...
Ed Miliband has today set out a plan for the Office for Budget Responsibility to verify a Labour government's plans to cut the deficit in every year of the next parliament.
It is uncertain whether the Labour party’s plan to abolish the non-domicile tax status for long-term residents in the UK will raise any additional revenue, an Institute for Fiscal Studies...
Policies to boost the economy should be at the heart of the general election campaign, business leaders said after a survey of more than 7,500 companies revealed weaker growth in the first three...
The Institute for Government has called for independent scrutiny of political party spending pledges ahead of general elections to ensure that future coalition negotiations take place on a sound...