Carers could be alerted “as a matter of course” when their earnings reach the permitted threshold under changes being considered by the government to tackle the crisis in allowance overpayment.
Better knowledge of local needs means councils could guarantee more value for money from welfare spending than the Department for Work and Pensions achieves, an authority leader has claimed.
Poor understanding of fraud risks and the failure to set targets to reduce incorrect payments could see the government saddled with unacceptable levels of fraud in the benefits system, the Public...
The Department for Work and Pensions is set to spend £600m and give officers new legal powers in a move ministers say will help prevent £4bn of fraud in the benefit system over the next five years.
The government has been criticised for lacking information about its pandemic scheme set up to fight youth unemployment, meaning it does not know whether it is having the positive impact it was hoped...
Government’s £386m spending on Jobcentre-based support for disabled people has not reduced the number who are out of work, the spending watchdog has found.
The DWP is not institutionally equipped to help sick and disabled people out of poverty, says Demos associate Tom Pollard, who was seconded to the department as a mental health specialist
Work and pensions secretary Esther McVey has come under pressure to withdraw what have been described as misleading remarks about the success of the universal credit programme.
The number of families whose benefits have been cut increased to 68,000 in May this year following the introduction of the lower benefit cap, according to official figures released yesterday....
The government’s flagship welfare-to-work scheme is closing next month having helped 840,000 jobseekers find work, says the body representing the employment support sector.
MPs have warned that the government’s planned Work and Health Programme may be “front loaded for failure” due to the requirements being placed on jobcentre staff.
The performance of companies carrying out health and disability assessments for the Department of Work and Pensions is still below par and a source of undue anxiety for claimants, the Public Accounts...
Outsourcing Department for Work and Pensions health and disability assessments has not been value for money, with the costs of tests increasings by 65% in a new contract, auditors have found.
The next parliament should investigate whether benefit sanctions are being applied ‘appropriately, fairly and proportionately’ across the Jobcentre Plus network, according to the work and pensions...