New controls aimed at pruning Whitehall’s consultancy bill by over £1bn should herald a cultural change in how consultants are procured across the public sector, the government has said.
The government has outlined plans to shrink the size of its office portfolio by £1.5bn to help reduce running costs and provide funding to maintain properties.
The Cabinet Office has dropped proposals for some changes to post-Brexit procurement processes, after councils complained that they need the ability to tailor contracts for health and...
Tackling climate change and achieving our ambitious target of net-zero emissions requires a step change across our society and economy, says Lord Agnew, government minister for efficiency and...
Emergency coronavirus contracts totalling £3.7bn raised “red flags” meriting further investigation, according to advocacy group Transparency International.
An independent body should conduct the review into the Greensill lobbying scandal, rather than departmental advisors, according to CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman.
The Cabinet Office took reasonable steps to control the cost of ventilator procurement on behalf of the NHS during the early stages of the pandemic, according to the National Audit Office.
The Cabinet Office has decided to waive the rules on payment in advance, in a bid to help local authority suppliers stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic.
Two years on from the collapse of outsourcing giant Carillion, Unite, the UK’s biggest union, has accused the government of failing to act on weaknesses in the UK audit system.
The 34 companies the government pays more than £100m a year to for services are likely to benefit from rises in public spending, according to a data firm.
Cross-party MPs agreed that there is a need to broaden the outsourcing provider market and improve transparency of the sector, at an Institute for Government event.
The Cabinet Office has re-launched a strategy to move government department back office functions to shared cloud networks, following scathing criticism by the Public Audit Committee.