CIPFA launches anti-bribery qualification

12 May 16
CIPFA has today launched a new anti-corruption qualification that will help boost defences against bribery across both public sector organisations and businesses.

The Certificate in Anti-Bribery and Corruption Studies has been launched by the CIPFA Counter Fraud Centre and City of London Police’s Economic Crime Academy on the day prime minister David Cameron hosts a major international anti-corruption summit in London.

It will equip counter-fraud, finance and regulatory compliance specialists with up-to-date knowledge of corrupt practices, legislation and investigation.

The qualification will also be able professionals provide insight on implementing anti-bribery controls across organisations, as well as being able to advise management and employees on propriety around hospitality. Certificate holders will also be eligible for CIPFA affiliate membership and the benefits of being part of a growing anti-fraud and corruption professional community.

CIPFA CFC head Rachael Tiffen said that for too long, “greasing the wheels” has been accepted as a way of doing business, but corruption smothers competition and takes money from all our pockets, she added.

“We need specialists who are trained to see through complex finances and weed out corrupt practices. Our new qualification is a world-leading step in building a robust anti-corruption profession,” Tiffen said.

“Today’s summit is putting anti-corruption high on the agenda around the world. We hope it will deliver a new era of international cooperation and information sharing.”

Kathy Hearn, director of the City of London Police Economic Crime Academy, added the qualification would give people in businesses, charities and the public sector the necessary skills to tackle corruption. This could be both within their own organisations and from external threats.

“We have one of the finest capabilities in combating financial crime here in the City of London Police. Through specialists embedded in the Economic Crime Academy, we can pass that expertise to others and widen the fight against economic crime in the UK and internationally,” she added.

Under the Bribery Act 2010, UK businesses can be fined for failing to counter corrupt practices. Developing professional anti-corruption defences will help organisations meet their legal obligations, as well as minimising corruption threats.

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