The body, which brings together the functions of Monitor and the NHS Trust Development Authority, is set to come into being from April 2016.
Mackey, a CIPFA member, has been leading Northumbria Healthcare since 2005. He will take up the post on 1 November where he will start to bring together expert teams to deliver all of NHS Improvement’s responsibilities.
Announcing the appointment, Ed Smith, chair-designate of NHS Improvement, said: “I am delighted to announce the appointment of Jim Mackey as the chief executive of NHS Improvement. He was the unanimous choice of the appointments panel.
“He has an exceptional track record in delivering change in the health sector, with 25 years’ experience in the NHS.
“Jim will draw on this extensive experience of improving services for patients in leading NHS Improvement and will build both a great team around him and strong collaborations across the NHS and care systems.”
Prior to joining Northumbria Healthcare, Mackey held a number of senior roles within the NHS and the regional health authority in the North East.
Mackey said he was excited by his new role with NHS Improvement, which would allow him to use his experience to work with other health organisations during what is a “difficult time for the NHS”.
“We collectively need to improve NHS services for patients and the local communities we serve, alongside being more efficient and effective in our use of the NHS pound,” he said.
“The gap between the quality of care provided within the NHS must be reduced and our grip on managing our business and finance must be improved. This will be my priority and focus for the coming years ahead, and I look forward to working with health partners across the NHS and social care to support a more sustainable and integrated service for patients.”
Welcoming the appointment, health secretary Jeremy Hunt said: “Jim Mackey will bring a wealth of experience to NHS Improvement and ensure that patient safety and higher quality care are embedded at the heart of all NHS organisations.
“He will continue the work to align Monitor and the Trust Development Authority and ensure that all providers are supported to provide excellent care every day of the week.”
Both NHS Providers and the Kings Fund think-tank welcomed Mackey’s appointment.