Four NI councils awarded 'green transport' funds

6 Nov 12
The Northern Ireland Government is sharing £4.3m among four councils to develop ‘green and healthy’ transport.
by Vivienne Russell | 1 September 2012

The Northern Ireland Government is sharing £4.3m among four councils to develop ‘green and healthy’ transport.

Belfast City Council will receive £700,000 for a cycle-hire scheme and Derry City Council’s £1.3m award will create traffic-free ‘greenways’ to improve accessibility and make cycling and walking more attractive.

Craigavon Borough Council will improve its walking and cycling network and Strabane District Council plans to construct a bridge across the river Mourne to link the city.

Regional Development Minister Danny Kennedy said: ‘I am confident these schemes will inspire all of us to consider how we travel and the effects our choices have on the environment.'


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