By Vivienne Russell | 21 September 2011
The Wales Audit Office has been through a difficult year but has emerged stronger and is now on a ‘sound footing’, the auditor general for Wales has said.
Presenting the WAO’s annual report yesterday, Huw Vaughan Thomas said the body had put in place a series of efficiency improvements and addressed issueswith its 2009/10 accounts.
Vaughan Thomas said: ‘I will not pretend that it has been an easy year, but it has been a very productive one. After intense scrutiny, the Wales Audit Office has emerged stronger and better equipped to serve the people of Wales.’
He added: ‘I am confident that we are now on a sound footing. A robust and independent public audit that “tells it like it is” is an essential component of healthy democratic government. But, we must always make sure that the costs of audit are more than outweighed by the benefits for the people of Wales.’
The annual report claims the WAO’s reviews have made an major impact on public services.