07 October 2005
Council-owned housing companies have improved their performance and are more popular with tenants than are other landlords, new figures reveal.
According to studies by the benchmarking firm Housemark, 77% of tenants in homes run by arm's-length management organisations are satisfied with services from their landlords. This compares with satisfaction rates of 65% among council tenants and 75% reported by those with housing associations.
Almos are also carrying out repairs and re-letting homes more quickly, as well as bringing properties up to the decent homes standard.
The analysis of 43 Almos shows that, on average, repairs are being carried out 7% faster than in 2003/4, while homes were re-let 13% faster. Almos were, however, slightly slower in carrying out non-urgent repairs.
Work to refurbish non-decent homes improved by an average of 7%, allowing Almos to show that 45% of homes were below the decent homes standard at the end of 2004/05, compared with 52% one year earlier.
Gwyneth Taylor, policy officer at the National Federation of Almos, said Almos' board structure allowed them to make decisions much faster than councils.
She said: 'They are focused on their core service and are not distracted by non-management issues because the council is responsible for strategic work.'
A government review of Almos, which began more than a year ago, should finally report within the next two months. Taylor said the review had been delayed by, among things, an internal review at the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.