Tenants in Camden reject PFI

18 Mar 04
A London borough's hopes of meeting the government's decent homes target has hit a further setback after tenants overwhelmingly rejected a Private Finance Initiative scheme.

19 March 2004

A London borough's hopes of meeting the government's decent homes target has hit a further setback after tenants overwhelmingly rejected a Private Finance Initiative scheme.

Two months after Camden tenants voted against an arm's-length management organisation, residents on the council's Maiden Lane estate turned down the PFI project.

A total of £33.7m would have been spent upgrading 479 homes and improving areas surrounding the estate, which is near King's Cross. However, 81% of tenants voted against the proposals on a 40% turnout.

Camden's executive was meeting on March 17 to discuss whether to shelve the PFI scheme. The government has told the council that it must raise money to improve housing through an Almo, the PFI or a stock transfer.

Meanwhile, council tenants in Wrexham have turned down a stock transfer by 59% to 41%.

The council, which was proposing to set up a new landlord, Wrexham Housing, described the result as a vote of confidence in its housing service.


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