RSL comes under fire for poor standards

19 Dec 02
London-based Beaver Housing Society has become the first registered social landlord to be strongly criticised by inspectors from the Housing Corporation.

20 December 2002

The RSL, which owns about 3,000 homes in south London, was told that it had failed to meet the corporation's regulatory code in key areas. Failings were highlighted in maintenance services, resident involvement and work with black and minority ethnic communities.

Beaver risks losing funding if it fails to improve.

'Our overall assessment of Beaver's services is that there is scope for considerable improvement,' said corporation inspectors.

The RSL said inspectors had identified problems that were already being addressed but promised to improve its services.

The corporation, which began inspecting RSLs in April, has awarded good or satisfactory ratings to the other 24 associations whose reports have been published.

From next year, RSLs will be inspected by the Audit Commission as part of a new joint inspectorate for housing associations and local authorities.


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