RSL inspection teams to include tenants

24 Jan 02
Tenants will play a key role in a new system for inspecting housing associations that focuses on outcomes rather than procedures.

25 January 2002

A team of 30 tenant inspectors already recruited and trained by the Housing Corporation to assist with 50 pathfinder inspections is likely to be expanded when the system goes nationwide in April.

More than 400 registered social landlords, each with more than 250 homes, should be inspected during the next three years.

Each team, which will typically spend between two and nine days visiting an RSL, will include at least one tenant – although not from the association under inspection.

The first 30 tenant inspectors were recruited through the Tenant Participation and Advisory Service. Their precise role will be reviewed once the pathfinder inspections are concluded in March or April.

'It's a new role,' said Roger De La Mare, director of inspection at the Housing Corporation. 'I expect we will need more in the long term.'

Under the new framework, unveiled on January 21, inspectors will interview RSL managers, board members, tenants and other stakeholders. The inspections replace shorter validation visits.


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