Can a purpose-built Local Government SaaS finance solution improve financial management across councils?

Date: Wed, 05/15/2024 - 13:00

Public Finance hosted a webinar in partnership with TechnologyOne on Wednesday 15 May at 13:00 GMT.



Improving sustainability and productivity is an absolute requirement for Council Finance leaders faced with the challenge of doing even more with even less.

Chaired and introduced by Chris Smith and Emma Foy, this webinar will address some of the common challenges S151 officers and their teams face, including the requirement for Productivity Plans and how to modernise the finance function with a single solution that provides automation, self service and best practice across the entire finance function and beyond.

It will feature a practical example of how a modern SaaS solution has helped with the West Lindsey Council transformation journey from Emma Foy, S151 Officer.

Emma will discuss how West Lindsey have improved management of budgets, reporting and closedown through the implementation of a modern, easy to use finance solution that has removed silos and enabled improved business process and access to management information across the whole Council supporting all services.

For additional insight from a Unitary Council the webinar will feature the views of Blackpool Council S151 Steve Thompson and CEO Neil Jack on their experience of implementing a new finance solution.

The webinar will finish with some views on the “art of the possible” from TechnologyOne followed by a Q and A.


Featured Speakers:

Chris Smith
CIPFA/Public Finance

Emma Foy
Director of Corporate Services and Section 151 Officer
West-Lindsey District Council

Ian Owen
FCPFA Public Sector Industry Director

Ian Cook
Presales Solution Architect for Local Government


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