Prevention – the art of staving off problems before they become large, messy and expensive – has appeared in countless manifestos as a magic wand for fiscal recovery. Yet despatch box promises have...
Nottingham City Council operates “significantly beyond its means” and is currently “far from sustainable” six months after government-appointed commissioners were sent into the troubled authority.
With a new government ushering in a new budget, fresh hope looms for transforming the UK’s healthcare and the NHS. The spotlight now falls on a more integrated, mission-driven approach. Lee Outhwaite...
Lord Darzi’s report highlighted the importance of how money is being spent in the NHS. This chimes loudly with CIPFA’s recent work on the NHS estate, writes health and integration policy manager Dr...
With the government encouraging closer working between the public and private healthcare sector and a wide acknowledgement that NHS trusts need to generate more commercial income, now is a good time...
Prevention must be embedded into the next government’s spending programme if it is to avoid higher taxes or a deterioration in public services, a leading think-tank has warned.
Taxpayers have been let down by poor customer service at HMRC that has seen average call waiting times jump to 23 minutes, the National Audit Office has said.
Woking is targeting becoming “one of the most improved councils in the country” through its improvement and recovery plan – a draft of which has now been published.
The failure to meet best value duty has forced the government to step up its intervention in the London Borough of Croydon, giving the independent panel a statutory footing.
Government ambitions to integrate health and care services will only be achieved through successful local partnerships, working across organisations with a shared vision, writes Dr Eleanor Roy.
Central government inaction on giving councils in England the ability to hold remote meetings is preventing authorities from reducing the financial and environmental cost of transport,...