The government has proposed a temporary cap on social housing rent rises next year to help tenants already under “considerable pressure” from the cost-of-living crisis.
London boroughs have spent more than £150m over the past year to bring more than 1,500 homes back into the public sector, replacing stock depleted by the right-to-buy scheme, the city’s mayor has...
Levelling up secretary Michael Gove was unable to confirm how the government will fund the proposed expansion of the right-to-buy scheme, but urged MPs to “watch this space”.
Proposals to expand the right-to-buy scheme to housing associations and earmark national infrastructure levy income for new social housing have sparked funding concerns among councils.
A council in south west England will borrow up to £10m to fund “critical” temporary accommodation to house homeless families amid the cost-of-living crisis.
Levelling up minister Michael Gove has suggested that the government could fail to hit its manifesto pledge to provide 300,000 new homes a year by 2025.
Boris Johnson is “very excited” by the prospect of allowing people who live in housing association properties to buy their homes at a discounted price, in plans critics have called “hare-brained”.
Proposals to abolish section 106 charges in favour of a new infrastructure tax could disincentivise investment in poorer regions, working against 'levelling up', according to experts....
Better scrutiny of housing benefit and enforcement in supported housing appeared to improve the service’s value for money in five pilot schemes, but opportunities for future savings remain...
Social housing conditions have deteriorated in part because housing associations have become accountable to investors in the City, rather than to tenants, sector experts told MPs this week.
A London council has begun a ‘key amnesty’ aiming to reduce tenancy fraud, promising “no questions asked” of those who have been using council homes illegally.
Two weeks before it hosts COP26, Glasgow City Council last week approved a £10bn plan to retrofit 1 million homes in the city region to make them more energy efficient. Mark Williams explains how the...
The London Borough of Merton is set to relinquish property sale income on a £1.2bn joint-venture, after a funding gap emerged in the project last year.
The £1.5bn Green Homes Grant was approved by a senior civil servant, despite an internal committee rejecting its business case, according to the National Audit Office.
The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham used Public Works Loan Board funding to increase its housing stock, with help from an authority-owned company.
The London Borough of Bromley will provide £20m of its own resources for a joint-venture aimed at providing 300 homes at affordable rent for residents.
Poorly maintained records of grants given out for affordable rented homes in Bristol meant data was unreliable, according to a highly critical report from the city council’s internal auditors.
Mounting costs relating to a block of flats with dangerous cladding could lead to a local authority lending millions to a council-owned company – money it admits might not be fully paid back