Councils failing to meet their legal requirement to properly 'have regard' to revised Prudential and Treasury Management Codes risk provoking further central government intervention in the...
CIPFA has announced its intention for a ‘soft launch’ of its forthcoming revised Prudential and Treasury Management Codes, with full implementation set to be expected for 2023-24 strategies.
Despite rumours to the contrary, changes to CIPFA’s Prudential and Treasury Management Codes mean councils must re-examine their investment strategies, says Richard Lloyd-Bithell.
A much-welcomed increase in resources cannot paper over the cracks in the way central government delivers much of its funding for local government, says CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman.
In a 1,000-word open letter to new communities secretary Michael Gove, CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman says local government would welcome radical change to its functions and form in return for...
CIPFA has launched two new consultations on its Prudential Code and Treasury Management Code, focusing on commercial investment and officer training respectively.
CIPFA has launched a new value-for-money toolkit in partnership with the Government Outcomes Lab (GO Lab) based within the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government.
New CIPFA president Mike Driver leads the UK government’s Covid-19 managed quarantine programme. Post-pandemic, the skills of public finance professionals will be needed like never before, he says.
CIPFA has praised Slough Borough Council’s finance director on the decision to publish a section 114, freezing all non-essential spending as the authority attempts to balance its budget.
CIPFA is proposing to boost the information it provides on proposed borrowing restrictions on borrowing for yield in its update to the Prudential Code.
The government's preference for providing grants through competitive bidding creates a vicious cycle that hurts authorities most in need of the money, says CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman.
Proposed changes to governance for police and fire services present risks but also an opportunity for greater economies of scale, says CIPFA police adviser Alison Dewhirst.
The procurement challenges ushered in by Covid-19 will not go away even if lower infection rates allow society to get back to some degree of normality, says Mohamed Hans.
The government's recent procurement green paper can help authorities become more energy efficient, says Richard Hallewell, chief executive of CIPFA's Technology Procurement Association.