West Lothian Council has agreed to guarantee the financial position of a wholly-owned local leisure operator until the end of April, after Covid-19 impacted on its finances.
Luton Borough Council has defended its annual capital borrowing limit, which will rise to £1bn over the next four years due to the “devastating impact” of Covid-19.
Councils are allowed to use Public Works Loan Board borrowing to restructure existing debt even if they are pursuing banned commercial investment, according to new government ...
Government proposals to limit commercial investment by local authorities, including the potential re-introduction of borrowing caps, are credit positive for the sector, according to ratings...
Local authorities in the UK borrowed more than £1bn from the Public Works Loans Board last month, as demand returned to the facility following Covid-19.
Hertfordshire County Council has been able to claw-back 96% of historical deposits in failed Icelandic banks after final payments were made last year, it has emerged.
Crisis-hit Slough Borough Council is unlikely to recover £10m of “inappropriately authorised loans” for the removal of cladding at an authority-owned tower block, ...
Slough Borough Council will need to recoup hundreds of millions of pounds from property sales to help fill a budget deficit following this month’s Section 114 notice, according to its finance chief.
Uttlesford District Council is applying for a credit rating to allow it access to a greater range of borrowing to fund its multi-million programme of out-of-borough commercial investments.
The coronavirus pandemic and tighter government lending rules led to a 41% real-terms contraction in councils' payments for land and buildings last year, according to provisional outturn figures.
A proposed liability benchmark to help local authorities manage their debt needs could save the sector tens of millions of pounds, according to an industry expert.
Amendments to international reporting standards to include a wider range of impacts must go well beyond environmental sustainability, according to CIPFA chief executive Rob Whiteman.
The UK Municipal Bond Agency has confirmed that it hopes to launch at least one bond on behalf of a pool of local authorities in September or October, more than a year after the first authorities...
A district council is planning to invest £56m in commercial property outside its boundaries this year, funded through borrowing from other local authorities.
The London Borough Croydon has proposed reprofiling a £69.2m arts centre refurbishment as capital spending, after council subsidiary Brick by Brick was “unable” to fund the project.
South Lanarkshire Council has approved the transfer of £8m to its capital programme, after receiving additional Covid-19 funding from the Scottish Government.
A tribunal has approved a last-minute extension allowing Thurrock Council to continue its battle against being forced to reveal details of borrowing and investment activities of around £700m.