Four authorities have been given permission to raise council tax above the referendum limit to meet their spending needs next year, but one request was rejected.
Councillors will write to the government requesting a public inquiry following Thurrock Council’s financial collapse due to its failed commercial investments.
Concerns over adherence with professional standards have prompted the Financial Reporting Council to launch an investigation into the conduct of an accountant at Thurrock Council following failed...
A lack of corporate focus and low capacity in the finance department at Thurrock Council have slowed progress on reforms to deliver financial stability, government-appointed commissioners have said.
The lack of internal scrutiny ahead of Thurrock Council’s collapse proves the importance of councillor training and financial understanding, experts have said.
A damning independent report on Thurrock Council’s investments highlights the risk of these strategies and the negative impact on services, CIPFA has warned.
Thurrock Council will need to cut services back to near the statutory minimum after “repeated failures” to manage major investment and regeneration projects led to substantial losses, a long-awaited...
Administrators have begun selling the assets of a solar investment company to which Thurrock Council lent more than £650m, in order to repay the company’s debts.
The public increasingly having its “ear to the ground” on local issues has led to financially failing council administrations being punished at the ballot box, experts have said following the latest...
Failed commercial investments have prompted Thurrock Council to request £182m of exceptional financial support from the government to help it balance its 2023-24 budget.
A senior local government official has revealed the commissioners appointed to Thurrock Council will get additional powers to help turn the authority around.
Two struggling local authorities are set to request the government’s permission to raise council tax rate by more than the normal limit without triggering a local referendum.
Thurrock Council’s decision to issue a section 114 notice is a necessary step to ensuring exceptional government support, commissioners appointed to turn around the authority have said.
Thurrock Council’s concentrated investment strategy was a failing that resulted in a £470m budget black hole, according to the official turnaround team.
Failed investments have put Thurrock Council in a grave financial position and facing a deficit of nearly half a billion pounds this year, the commissioners sent in to sort out the authority’s...