Extending the Household Support Fund and reforming council temporary accommodation support at next week’s Budget are important to mitigate some financial pressures facing London boroughs, a senior...
Councils will be unable to build new social and affordable homes to help address the housing crisis without political support from Westminster, an expert has said.
Improving the generosity of benefits and making a long-term commitment to boost social and affordable housing numbers are critical to fixing the temporary accommodation crisis, an expert has said.
A severe housing shortage and lack of sustainable funding to replace sold social homes have forced councils to spend more than £1.7bn putting people into temporary accommodation, the Local Government...
Elevated inflation and “intensifying” demand for temporary accommodation will force authorities to cut services amid a forecast £550m overspend this year, the District Councils’ Network has warned.
Councils will continue to struggle to afford housing for refugees without a funded central framework for responding to humanitarian crises, experts have said.
Concerns over soaring private rental costs have prompted Westminster City Council to propose spending more than £80m to buy properties for temporary accommodation.