Rising borrowing costs and inflation have led Spelthorne Borough Council to consider shelving its planned housing investments and seeking out an alternative way to deliver them.
Poor councillor behaviour and strained relationships at a borough council have prevented the authority from moving forward, and underline the importance of constructive engagement and governance,...
External auditors for Spelthorne Borough Council have issued a rare public interest report amid concerns the authority’s historical commercial investment breached local government regulations.
Spelthorne District Council has voted not to reimpose a moratorium on high-rise housing development that delayed its own affordable housing programme, costing it more than £1m.
Spelthorne Borough Council’s controversial commercial investment strategy has allowed it to propose council tax freezes next year despite Covid-19 disruption, according to its finance chief.
Spelthorne Borough Council is budgeting for an increase in income from its commercial property portfolio during the current financial year, enabling it to underspend its budget by £1.5m.
Spelthorne Borough Council has denied that its property investment strategy is unlawful after reports that auditors have raised material concerns over some of its purchases.
Council investment in land and buildings has dropped for the first time since 2011-12, according to data from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Spelthorne Borough Council has been thrust into uncertainty after leader Ian Harvey and five other members decided to leave the Conservative Party and form a new political group.