Inconsistent progress on delivering financial stability and improving culture at Slough Borough Council means the current three-year government intervention might not be long enough, commissioners...
Four authorities have been given permission to raise council tax above the referendum limit to meet their spending needs next year, but one request was rejected.
A widening budget gap at Slough Borough Council means it must make “significant reductions” to avoid exceeding its exceptional government support this year, its finance director has warned.
Government-appointed commissioners at Slough Borough Council have warned their intervention will not reduce until the authority delivers “demonstrable and sustained improvement”.
The public increasingly having its “ear to the ground” on local issues has led to financially failing council administrations being punished at the ballot box, experts have said following the latest...
A “fundamental shift” in culture at Slough Borough Council is needed to avoid it being broken up, the government has warned after reading a report from the team trying to turn the organisation around.
The failure to provide adequate records and working papers in Slough Borough Council’s 2018-19 statement of accounts has prompted its external auditors to issue an unprecedented opinion.
Two struggling local authorities are set to request the government’s permission to raise council tax rate by more than the normal limit without triggering a local referendum.
Slough Borough Council will need to sell £100m of property in the next nine months if it is to repay much of its short-term debt without its interest rates effectively quadrupling.
Government-appointed commissioners at Slough Borough Council have questioned the authority’s decision to purchase investment properties outside its boundaries, as it prepares to sell assets for a...
Government-appointed commissioners helping Slough Borough Council get its finances back on a sustainable footing have had their powers extended to cover senior officer recruitment.
The government could give commissioners at Slough Borough Council new powers after they expressed concern over how “hands-on” they have had to be while trying to help the authority turn itself around.
Debt-ridden Slough Borough Council has decided to sell three pieces of land owned by a joint-venture company because it believes developing them would add too much to its already-high borrowing.
Crisis-hit Slough Borough Council has been instructed to sell the majority of its property holdings in a bid to get its finances back on a sustainable footing.
Slough Borough Council has sacked its chief executive with immediate effect, following an investigation which alleged she failed to challenge or manage the authority’s budget.
Slough Borough Council has received minded approval for £307m of financing flexibilities through a capitalisation direction, to help correct accounting issues and balance budgets.
Slough Borough Council says it needs a minimum of £479m in support from central government – a figure it claims could rise much higher if it fails to meet “challenging” savings targets.
Crisis-hit Slough Borough Council has asked central govenment for £270m of financing flexibilities to help address historic deficits and reduce debts next year.